Episode 8 - Federal Digital Transformation Report: The Who—and How—of...

The intersection of IT and human capital in federal digital transformation: The who—and how—of getting it done

Federal CIOs have embraced the need for digital transformation, but as 88% of federal employees say their agency’s digital initiatives are behind, many still struggle with how to make IT modernization a reality. How can federal CIOs and their mission leaders keep up with emerging technologies, and ensure their modernization efforts are supported by an agile workforce?

ICF captured the sentiments of 500 federal full-time employees, with emphasis on target buyers and agency influencers in technology and IT-focused roles, to shed light on the status of federal digital transformation and the process of updating outdated infrastructure. Drawn on those findings and his experience on the front lines of agency digital transformation efforts, ICF’s chief technology officer Kyle Tuberson presents a clear and compelling vision for the future of digital government.

Miriam Cohen, VP, Federal Human Capital, will join Kyle to discuss our latest report, Federal digital transformation report: The who—and how—of getting it done. Including compelling results from our federal digital transformation survey, the intersection of IT and human capital, and how CIOs can use those findings to plan, execute, and lead their organization through a successful IT modernization strategy.


Miriam Cohen, VP, Federal Human Capital, ICF

Kyle Tuberson, Chief Technology Officer, ICF


Let’s Talk Tech with NVTC is a digital series that explores tech’s most notable trends, new innovations, digital transformations, lean agile principles and mindsets, the future of work and more. You’ll meet next gen leaders from NVTC member companies and learn about the great impact they are making in our region. Join us for our next episode featuring a special guest from ICF.

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