SACRAMENTO, CA — Amidst national privacy concerns over Facebook selling private information, the California DMV seems to be doing the same.
In fiscal year 2018-2019, they reportedly made over $50 million off selling driver's information to data brokers, credit agencies and personal investigators.
The DMV would not reveal exactly who the buyers are, but they did say the sales are related to public safety.This includes things like emissions research, background checks and availability of insurance.
This issue has also sparked the attention of legislators who say California's Privacy Protection Act needs to be updated.
This comes the same week that the California DMV is taking credit for speeding up wait times.
DMV delays are about half as long as they were a year ago. Wait times now average 38 minutes, down from 73 last year. That's according to new data from the California Department of Motor Vehicles and examined by the Sacramento Bee.
The agency credits both increased staffing and seasonal shifts in customer volume. But the DMV warns wait times could increase again next year as the October deadline approaches to obtain a Real ID to get through airport security.