FORT GORDON, GA — Congressman Rick Allen says he plans to make sure funding for the Georgia Cyber Center and Fort Gordon remains a top priority in Washington.
“My colleagues on my side are ready to get the thing funded, but apparently there’s disagreement on the other side of the aisle and that’s why it hasn’t come to the floor yet. We know the Senate is ready to go, so my message is going to be hey this is not an option people. This is critical to the national security of this country,” says Congressman Rick Allen.
Allen made his remarks following a tour of the cyber center yesterday.
“It’s going to be the tip of the sphere as far as the U.S. Army and really overall cyber protection. You’re looking at it right here,” says Congressman Rick Allen, Georgia’s 12th District.
The federal budget is due to run out by November 21st.
President Trump says he will not commit to avoiding another government shutdown until he sees how negotiations are going.