The Pentagon is Rolling Out 5G to 4 US Bases


WASHINGTON, DC — The United States Department of Defense is interested in rolling out 5G technology to four U.S. military bases. The Pentagon announced yesterday that is will issue a draft Request for Proposals (RFP) in November zeroing in on large-scale experimentation and prototyping of 5G technologies.

"History is replete with examples of the DoD partnering with the private sector to foster innovation and collaboratively bring leap-ahead technology to the forefront," said Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering Lisa Porter during remarks at Mobile World Congress 19 in Los Angeles. "The DoD wants our American industry to lead in 5G. A strong American economy is vital to our national security. We will never let up on our commitment to continuously innovate with our partners in the private sector, as well as with our partners across the Government."

According to a release, the initial focus of the project will explore these three areas: establishing a dynamic spectrum sharing testbed to demonstrate the use of 5G in congested environments, Integrating Augmented Reality and Virtual reality, and building Smart Warehouses to enhance logistics operations.

Depending on funding, DoD plans to expand the project every quarter to add new opportunities. An Industry Day will be held prior to the final RFP being issued.

The Pentagon is Rolling Out 5G to 4 US Bases

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