WASHINGTON, DC — A newly proposed bill would require federal employees to complete mandatory Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity training.
Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) introduced a bill that would require the Office of Management and Budget to develop a program around IoT-related cybersecurity awareness. IoT devices are everyday devices that are connected to the internet, from thermostats to smart speakers to cars.
According to Congressional Research Service, “IoT objects are potentially vulnerable targets for hackers. Economic and other factors may reduce the degree to which such objects are designed with adequate cybersecurity capabilities built in. IoT devices are small, are often built to be disposable, and may have limited capacity for software updates to address vulnerabilities that come to light after deployment.”
Rep. Khanna said in a statement, “The Internet of Things Cybersecurity Training for Federal Employees Act will ensure that our federal workforce is aware of these vulnerabilities when using IoT devices at work and at home. This simple bill does its part in modernizing our government into the 21st century.”