A newly announced self-service app will allow sailors taking their military knowledge exam to complete their requirements anytime and anywhere in the world.
Sailors eligible for advancement to paygrades E-4/5/6/7 can access the PMK-EE through MyNavy Portal, Navy e-Learning, Submarine On-Board Training and now the PMK-EE app, according to a Navy announcement. All sailors have to complete PMK-EE before they’re eligible for advancement in each paygrade.
Effective September, Professional Military Knowledge will be removed from the Navy-wide Advancement Exam. Instead, service members will receive a once-a-paygrade digitally delivered eligibility exam. The PMK-EE also adds more questions to the exam, from 25 to 100.
The PMK-EE app, MNP MyRecord and MyNavy Family can be found on the Navy App Locker website or through the Navy App Locker app.