DARPA Seeks Ideas to Make DOD Logistics More Robust

The Defense Department’s emerging tech arm has kicked off a program that aims to develop and demonstrate software for real-time logistics and supply chain system situational awareness.

DOD said its Joint Logistics Enterprise needs to change how it operates, and especially overcome its dependence on thousands of disparate legacy information systems. To address this issue, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency has announced the LogX program, which seeks new ideas for global situational awareness of military logistics and supply chains.

DARPA said the goal is to develop software for real-time logistics and supply chain system situational awareness (diagnosis), future state prediction (prognosis) and resilience. The

A Proposers Day will be held June 11 in Arlington, Virginia. DARPA is especially interested in hearing from experts in cutting-edge logistics information systems and analysis and those who have knowledge in applying artificial intelligence to resilient/adaptive supply chain management, among other areas.

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