DHS Seeks Proposals on 5G Security

Have ideas on how to best secure mobile network infrastructure for government communications? Then the Department of Homeland Security wants to hear from you.

The agency is looking for innovative approaches and technologies to safeguard legacy, current and 5G mobile network communications, services and equipment from all types of threats. The idea is to develop new standards to bolster the security and resilience of critical mobile communications networks through a new Broad Agency Announcement solicitation posted yesterday on FedBizOpps.gov. 

“The deployment of 5G technologies offers opportunities for innovation, efficiency, and economic growth, but it may also present risks we’re not currently positioned to manage,” said Chris Krebs, director of DHS’ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency. “This BAA solicitation and [Secure and Resilient Mobile Network Infrastructure] R&D will help DHS work with industry to identify threats and vulnerabilities to mobile network infrastructure, and inform the development and adoption of security standards.”

The proposals should address one or all of the following areas: 2G, 3G and 4G network protections; building security in to 5G networks; and improving government visibility of network traffic from mobile devices to identify potential malware or data exfiltration efforts. 

Proposals are due June 26 and selections will be announced Sept. 24.

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