The Marine Corps has upgraded a tool that makes it easier for its law enforcement battalions to determine a friend from a foe on the battlefield.
First fielded in 2013, the Expeditionary Forensics Exploitation Capability is a portable forensics exploitation technology that manages and analyzes data. The system’s IT equipment will now be refreshed to be more adaptable and relevant.
Work is also been done to integrate the technology with other intelligence systems so Marines have better insight on the battlefield.
The idea is to enable faster data collection and sharing in an effort to improve the lethality of Marines, said Maj. David Bain, EFEC project officer.
Composed of four kits -- chem kit, lab kit, media kit and site kit -- EFEC analyzes device and digital media, latent and patent print and DNA. The kits together help Marine operators collect forensic information on site to determine if a person is a suspect or an ally, Bain said.